Captcha software 2captcha
Captcha software 2captcha

captcha software 2captcha

This service can use anyone, but it is built for the applications that need to solve a high number of captchas. If the client complains about an incorrect captcha, senior workers (with a lot of experience and a high correct score) review it, and if the captcha was incorrect a refund is issued.Ģ screenshot Who can use Also, if the captcha is incorrectly solved, the client has a right to “complain”. If in any case, this process takes longer than usual, the client is being notified about it and asked to wait a little longer. The system, using the previously assigned ID, sends an answer to the respective user. This worker, a captcha solver, solves the captcha and returns it to the system. After that, the system automatically assigns a captcha to the first free worker. Basically, the user uploads an image of a captcha using their API, and as a response receives an ID. What is 2captchaĢcaptcha is software for solving captcha that offers an API for several programming languages. What does this mean in practice? We all know those boring “I am not a robot” things.


CAPTCHA helps protect you from spam and password decryption by asking you to complete a simple test that proves you are human and not a computer trying to break into a password-protected account. According to Google: CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a type of security measure known as challenge-response authentication.

Captcha software 2captcha